Cabezuela del Valle Historical Site

The heart of the Jerte Valley

The municipality of Cabezuela del Valle is found in the central part of the Jerte Valley. 

With a triangular layout, its historic centre breaks away from the linear structure of other towns. Originally founded on a hill in medieval times, the town grew down the sides until stopping at the banks of the River Jerte, whose course through the town includes the natural pools La Picaza and La Pesquerona.

Cabezuela del Valle boasts a picturesque historic centre, with steep streets, labyrinthine passages, shadowy alleyways (Calleja de la Cárcel or the Old Gate) that evoke its medieval design as a Jewish quarter. 

The main street runs alongside the river, divided into three sections: Calle el Puente, Plaza de Extremadura and Calle el Hondón, where there is an artistic wayside cross. The most elegant buildings are on this street, 

such as the old town hall, with a niche on its balcony that is home to the bust of a famous local, José María Muñoz. There is also an eye-catching arcade with wooden posts that runs along one side of the Plaza. 

A highlight in the town is the Church of San Miguel Arcángel, built on the site where the Jewish synagogue once stood. It contains a beautiful Baroque altarpiece that is solid gold and of great artistic quality, the work of Castilian carver Juan de Arenas. 

Another example of religious constructions are the Baroque hermitages. The most important hermitage, both for its artistic richness as well as for the devotion of the people of Cabezuela, is that of its patron, the Virgin of Peñas Albas. 

The municipal area of Cabezuela also includes the remains of the abandoned town of Vadillo. Other sites worth visiting in the town are the Cherry Museum, where visitors can learn about the culture surrounding this fruit and the Cherry Blossom Festival, as well as the School Museum and the Water Interpretation Centre.

The historic centre of Cabezuela del Valle has been declared a historical-artistic site.




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